RestAssured Framework Simplified: Ultimate Guide for API Testing in 2022

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It is one of the best api testing tools that helps to test the headless technologies like Databases and Webservices, JMS, etc. By using the API test conversion tool, you can convert soapUI tests to UFT API tests. REST API Testing is open-source web automation testing technique that is used for testing RESTful APIs for web applications. The purpose of rest api testing is to record the response of rest api by sending various HTTP/S requests to check if rest api is working fine or not. Rest api testing is done by GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods. Gin is a Go-based high-performance HTTP web framework that can be used to build microservices and web applications.

rest api testing framework

Besides the ease of use, the extensibility with a vast number of libraries can make it a “complete” package. On this occasion we focused on the RESTinstance library which enables the framework to test RESTful JSON APIs. The RESTinstance validates JSON using JSON Schema, guiding you to write API tests to base on constraints rather than on specific values (e.g. “email must be valid” vs “email is ”).

What is BDD (Behavior Driven Development) Testing?

This allows you to authenticate requests against any views which include SessionAuthentication. This means that setting attributes directly on the request object may not always have the effect you expect. For example, setting .token directly will have no effect, and setting .user directly will only work if session authentication is being used.

rest api testing framework

This approach reduces test maintenance when the values responded by the API are prone to change. Although values are not required, you can still test them whenever they make sense (e.g. GET response body from one endpoint, then POST some of its values to another endpoint). If it’s a large project, the effort to get automated API testing and continual integration working will pay off pretty quickly.

Automating Deployment to Heroku using circleCI

You can engage your testing and business teams to build and execute test cases without any pre-requisites of programming knowledge. This Test Automation Framework is created using Java + TestNG + RestAssured + ExtentReports, which can be used across different api based applications. With this framework in place, whenever we need to automate API’s, we would not need to start from scratch, and begin with developing the test cases straight away. Paw is a full-featured one-stop robust Mac-native HTTP client (Beta Now available for Windows & Linux) for testing and describing APIs. The fully-featured and exceptionally designed mac app helps you build HTTP requests, inspect the server’s response and even generate code. Vrest – Cloud based Api testing toolset for automated testing.

API series – SnapLogic: An engineer’s view of the API universe –

API series – SnapLogic: An engineer’s view of the API universe.

Posted: Tue, 01 Nov 2022 15:03:18 GMT [source]

RestAssured and jUnit are the perfect match for your purpose at the beginning of your journey. So, from our perspective the best automation framework for REST APIs is RestAssured. It is simple to use, modular and you can manipulate the api testing best practices request in any way you want. When I started to work on my current project the automation framework used for API testing was jMeter. There are mainly 4 methods involve in REST API automation testing like GET, POST, Delete, and PUT.

Design Pattern for API Testing using Java Rest Assured Library.

This suite requires us to do data set up in peer services which means tests generally take more time to write. As much as possible we use REST clients to do data set up in peer services. Includes multiple api specific assertions and validations. Image SourceAPI or Application Programming Interface is a type of software interface that connects different software with minimal coding. Most organizations use APIs as it acts as a bridge between services and products to interact with one another with minimal hassle.

First, make a GET request in order to obtain a CSRF token, then present that token in the following request. Custom headers and authentication credentials can be provided in the same way as when using a standard requests.Session instance. You are expecting to interface with the API primarily from another Python service, and want to test the service at the same level as the client will see.

So we can get good coverage without the suite taking an age to run. Suite 1 – Testing each service in isolationMock any peer services the API depends on using restito. Other alternatives include rest-driver, wiremock and betamax. JMeter is overkill, not to mention has a horrible UI, for just basic functional testing of a REST api. All the code that I’ve included in this blog post is available on my Github page. Feel free to clone this project and run it on your own machine to see if RestSharp fits your API testing needs, too.

It basically checks the response status with the expected status, which in our case is 200. BuiltIn – Robot Framework’s standard library that provides a set of generic keywords. Allure reporting, which provides detailed and user friendly report to the business users.

rest api testing framework

The assert function in the simple welcome message test below will use the equality variant to determine whether the test argument matches the mock response. Go mod init stud-api
cd stud-api
go get -u is a library for creating unique identifiers. We will use it in this project to automatically generate IDs for each new student. The package will be used to test our various endpoints. Beside these simple requests we can also perform PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests, which you can find how to execute on the Robot Framework API testing GitHub site for the RESTinstance library. As we can see from the test log the request was successful.

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API Testing allows the implementation of automated tests with high coverage as they have specifications that include functional and non-functional testing. Upon a complete walkthrough of this article, you will gain a decent understanding of API Testing and RestAssured Framework along with the salient features that they offer. You will also learn about the steps required to perform API Testing using the RestAssured Framework. RestAssured is a very powerful automation framework written in Java.

rest api testing framework

An option that’s good for APIs implemented with Node.JS / Express is to use mocha for automated testing. In addition to unit tests, its easy to write functional tests against the APIs, separated into different test suites. You can start up the API server automatically in the local test environment and set up a local test database.

Automated testing for REST Api [closed]

You can unset any existing credentials by calling the method with no arguments. The login method is appropriate for testing APIs that use session authentication, for example web sites which include AJAX interaction with the API. It is one of the techniques of agile software development. Now, for feature Steps used in the above scenarios, you can write implementations in Python files in the “steps” directory. I have used TestNG and Apache HTTP classes to build my own REST API test framework, I developed this concept after working in Selenium for two years.

  • So far, I still haven’t found anything more suitable than RestSharp.
  • If this sounds interesting, here’s a blog post that provides all the technical details.
  • Image SourceRestAssured Framework helps assess and identify errors found during the process of application development.
  • Gin is a Go-based high-performance HTTP web framework that can be used to build microservices and web applications.
  • Reads and stores values from API response, easily incorporating them into the testing flow.
  • SoapUI is an API testing tool that is ideal for complicated test scenarios as it allows developers to test REST, SOAP, and Web Services without any hassles.

JMeter is using a lot of memory and CPU if our APIs return a lot of data and it has to process it. You could write native Java code into a lot of it’s samplers. Having the possibility to write Java code gives you many opportunities to better handling exceptions or assertions. It can also be used to send data to the server, for example, customer information, file upload, etc. using HTML forms. JSONLibrary – Install it using pip3 install robotframework-jsonlibrary.

Run Tests with Command Prompt/Windows PowerShell

Supporting both REST and SOAP API testing and end-to-end and database testing, Subject7 makes it easy to scale and run sophisticated API tests through a simple and easy-to-use interface. An API or Application Programming Interface is a collection of software functions and procedures through which other software applications can be accessed or executed. In API Testing you use software to send calls to the API, get output and log the system’s response. For Agile development, Api Testing becomes important as shorter development cycles put more pressure on automated testing.

For the truly fastidious developer, it will even generate a nice HTML code-coverage report showing you which parts of your code base are covered by tests or not. If this sounds interesting, here’s a blog post that provides all the technical details. It provides an extensible framework helpful in executing and building the functionality of headless system that do not have a user interface.

RestAssured Framework is an Open-source Java-based framework used by programmers and developers for testing and validating REST services. Built from the ground up to cater to the varying needs of testing, RestAssured Framework provides a Domain-Specific Language to create and write powerful tests for RESTful APIs efficiently. Looking at the test pyramid, it can be observed that the first layer, i.e., unit/component test layer covers 70% of the code. The second layer — API or service tests layer — aims to focus on business rules of applications under test and covers 20% of the code. Testing the second layer is to ensure whether all the implemented functions are working accurately. The final layer or the workflow test part is performed by UI, which is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of its built features.

Quality assurance engineer testing JSON APIs you will encounter a lot of open source tools that are useful on your way to find the one that suits you. Sometimes you may want to bypass authentication entirely and force all requests by the test client to be automatically treated as authenticated. The credentials method can be used to set headers that will then be included on all subsequent requests by the test client. The login method functions exactly as it does with Django’s regular Client class.

API testing tools and frameworks

For Example, If ‘And’ comes for Given, matching step function decorator is @given. Since my last blog post that involved creating tests at the API level in C#, I’ve kept looking around for a library that would fit all my needs in that area. So far, I still haven’t found anything more suitable than RestSharp. SoapUI – Heavy weight application for testing Rest apis as well as XML based Soap web services. Assertible – Cloud hosted SaaS tool for continuous api testing and monitoring.